Access Keys:

Gaelscoil na mBeann agus Naíscoil na mBeann, Kilkeel, Newry

Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel

27th Feb 2024
Beidh Gaelscoil na mBeann ag glacadh páirte sa sceim Big Walk and Wheel ón 11ú- 22ú Márta. Iarrtar ar pháistí siúl chun scoile nó teacht ar a rothar nó scútar go sábháilte le linn an tréimhse seo. Déanfar taifead ar na modhanna taistil a bhíonn in úsáid againn agus beidh deiseanna againn duaiseanna a bhaint. Cuirfear áit shábháilte ar fáil sa scoil le rothair agus scútair a choinneáilt slán.

Gaelscoil na mBeann will take part in the Bog walk and Wheel scheme from 11th-22nd March. Children are asked to safely walk, cycle or scoot to school throughout this period. Our travel methods will be recorded and there will be opportunities for us as a school to win prizes. A secure place will be assigned in school for the safekeeping of bikes and scooters.

N.B. A secure helmet MUST be used to participate in this scheme.