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Gaelscoil na mBeann agus Naíscoil na mBeann, Kilkeel, Newry

Stone painting challenge!

1st Jun 2020

FAO; Current pupils and past pupils of Gaelscoil na mBeann!

We wanted to create something which will remind us that no matter the distance, we are all in this together. What better way to do this than with a 'Rock of hope Garden' filled with artwork from all of the children (past and present)and staff at Gaelscoil na mBeann. This is also a great way to mark the 10 year anniversary of our school!

So grab your paintbrushes and get creative!! On your rock please ensure to include the following;

  • A positive word in Irish - examples include dóchas (hope) & grá (love) Use to help you.
  • your name
  • date of completion.

 We will confirm a date and time of when the rocks can be dropped off at the school in due course. I look forward to seeing all of your lovely rock designs!

Here is a good link for good inspiration![]=stone%7Ctyped&term_meta[]=painting%7Ctyped