Access Keys:

Gaelscoil na mBeann agus Naíscoil na mBeann, Kilkeel, Newry

Mourne Community First Responders

3rd Nov 2021

Tháinig Helene agus Paul ó Mourne Community First Responders chun na scoile inniu agus bhronn muid seic £100 dóibh a bailíodh ónár lá gléasadh suas ar an Chéadaoin seo caite. 

Míle buíochas le gach duine ó Naíscoil agus Gaelscoil na mBeann a thug airgead go fláithiúil don chúis iontach seo!

Helene and Paul from Mourne Community First Responders visited the school today and we presented them with a cheque for £100 which was collected on our dress up day last Wednesday.

A huge thank you to everyone from Naíscoil and Gaelscoil na mBeann who kindly donated to this worthy cause.