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Gaelscoil na mBeann agus Naíscoil na mBeann, Kilkeel, Newry

Áiseanna do thuistí- Resources for Parents-Bia folláin

11th Sep 2020

A thuismitheoirí,

Please use the web links below to access some useful resources for tips and guidance on providing healthly snacks and packed lunches for your children, as well as ways to keep them active and healthy.

As you will see in the poster attached, the HSC is also running a Zoom Workshop for parents with more tips and guidance.

Are you packing a healthy lunch?

Healthy breaks for schools

Healthy Choices – Choose wisely: advice for parents on nutrition and activity for primary school children

Don't forget, you may also be eligible for Free School Meals. To assess your eligibility and find out more, visit the Education Authority website here: