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Gaelscoil na mBeann agus Naíscoil na mBeann, Kilkeel, Newry

Ádh mór ar an Ghlasdromainn sa Scór!

9th Nov 2022

Guímid gach rath ar CLG Glasdromainn agus an grúpa s'acu a bheas ag glacadh páirte i mbabhta ceannais Scór Uile-Éireann ag deireadh na seachtaine seo. 

Bhí áthas orainn tacaíocht Naíscoile agus Gaelscoil na mBeann a léiriú trí thabhartas a bhronnadh ar chisteoir an chlub, Colette Burns inniu chun cuidiú le costais taistil srl.

We would like to wish the participants from Glasdumman GAC every success as they take part in the All-Ireland Scór final this weekend.

We were delighted to show the support of Naíscoil and Gaelscoil na mBeann by presenting a donation to the club treasurer, Colette Burns today to assist with travel expenses etc.

Ádh mór oraibh!