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Gaelscoil na mBeann agus Naíscoil na mBeann, Kilkeel, Newry

Comhghairdeas agus míle buíochas le Cairde na mBeann

11th Jan 2021

Ba mhaith linn comhghairdeas ó chroí a ghabháil le Cairde na mBeann i ndiaidh dóibh £2000 a shaothrú trína bhfeachtas 10-10-10 ag ceiliúradh 10 mbliana de Ghaelscoil na mBeann ar na mallaibh!

Ba mhaith liom mo bhuíochas a ghabháil le coiste Chairde na mBeann ach go háirithe a chuir an-iarracht isteach san fheachtas seo- maith sibh! Beidh torthaí na n-iarrachtaí sin le feiceáil go luath sa scoil!

We would like to say a huge congratulations to Cairde na mBeann as they have raised £2000 through their recent 10-10-10 campaign celebrating 10 years of Gaelscoil na mBeann.

I would like to especially thank the Cairde na mBeann committee who put massive efforts into this fundraiser-maith sibh! The rewards of these efforts will be clear to see around the school before long!