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Gaelscoil na mBeann agus Naíscoil na mBeann, Kilkeel, Newry

Coiste Chairde na mBeann 2024/25

3rd May 2024

Seo daoibh coiste nua Chairde na mBeann don scoilbhliain úr. Comhghairdeas ó chroí leis an choiste agus míle buíochas leo siúd a sheas siar óna rólanna. 

Here is Cairde na mBeann's new committee for the next academic year. Huge congratulations to the committee and a heartfelt thank you to those who have stepped down from their roles.

Comh-Chathaoirligh/ Co-chairs- Eimear Farrell & Joanne Phillips
Leas-Chathaoirleach/ Vice-chair- Samuel Chestnutt
Runaí/ Secretary- Olivia Kelly
Oifigeach Cumarsáide/ Communications Officer- Natasha Caldwell
Cisteoir/ Treasurer- Lisa Fitzpatrick

Baill choiste/ Committee members
Eimear Fitzpatrick
Sarah Chestnutt
Nicola Egan
Paula Smith
Gemma Rooney
Aoibhinn Harper
Siobhán Mc Evoy
Rachael Sloan
Lena Malecka
Selina Mc Cartan
Rachel Young
Casey Gallagher
Christine Burns

Beidh an chéad chruinniú eile ag titim amach ar an Luan, 20ú Bealtaine @ 9:30r.n. ar scoil
Carde na mBeann's next committee meeting will take place on Monday, 20th May @ 9:30am in school.