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Gaelscoil na mBeann agus Naíscoil na mBeann, Kilkeel, Newry
Lá Oscailte- open day Cuirfear fáilte roimh tuismitheoirí agus teaghlaigh a bhfuil dúil acu sa scoil s'againne teacht leis an scoil a fheiceáil agus bualadh leis an fhoireann ó 12:00i.n go dtí 3:30i.nProspective parents and families are invited to visit our school to have a look around and meet staff from 12:00pm- 3:30pm [Open Image]
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Bronnadh na nDuaiseanna

30th Jun 2021

Bhronn muid na teastais agus na boinn ar na daltaí ar an Aoine. Thug muid amach duaiseanna don Lá spóirt, tinreamh, Gaeilgeoir na bliana, dalta na bliana agus neart eile. Maith sibh uilig!


We awarded the certificates and medals to the students on Friday. Awards were given for Sports day, attendance, Irish speaker of the year, student of the year as well as many others. Well done all!