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Gaelscoil na mBeann agus Naíscoil na mBeann, Kilkeel, Newry

Ardú Feasachta Uathachais cois trá

26th Mar 2024

Cé go raibh sé fuar feanntach, bhí lá iontach ag na páistí ag an trá agus muid amuigh ar ár siúlóid ardú feasachta don uathachas inniu. Ba dheas é cúpla tuismitheoir bheith le Rang 1-3 ar maidin. Bhí cúpla cos fliuch ar an bhealach ar ais chun na scoile ach bhain siad an-sult as an lá agus d'fhoghlaim siad faoin uathachas fosta.

Although it was bitterly cold, the children had a great day at the beach while we were out for our Autism Awareness Walk today. It was lovely to have some parents join our rang 1-3 classes this morning. There were a few wet feet feet on our return to school but they all thoroughly enjoyed the day and importantly, learned a lot about Autism too.

If you'd like to continue the conversation at home, why not have a look at this video with some fun facts about autism? Fast Facts About Autism For Kids (World Autism Awareness Day) - YouTube