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Gaelscoil na mBeann agus Naíscoil na mBeann, Kilkeel, Newry

Páistí na Gaelscoile ar BBC Blas

18th Nov 2021

Seo daoibh an nasc chuig BBC Blas na hoíche aréir agus páistí na scoile air.

Tá an cuid lenár bpáistí le cloisteáil ag fior-dheireadh an chláir ó 25:30 bom ar aghaidh.  

Is píosa galánta ar fad é a chuireann teachtaireacht galánta chun cinn- gurb iontach é an cineáltas! Maith iad na páistí a bhí páirteach!  

Here is the link to the BBC Blas programme from yesterday evening starring some Gaelscoil children.

The piece with our children can be heard at the end of the programme from 25:30 min onwards.  

It is a lovely piece which promotes a lovely message- that kindness is great! Well done to the children involved!   #AntiBullyingWeek #FocalBeagCineálta #OneKindWord