Access Keys:

Gaelscoil na mBeann agus Naíscoil na mBeann, Kilkeel, Newry

Free School Meals and Uniform Grants

6th Jun 2022

A thuismitheoir/ chaomhnóir,

Please see the information below regarding applying for Free School Meals Allowance and Uniform grants for the 2022/23 academic year.

Current Eligible Families and New Applicants
Parents/guardians who are currently in receipt of support for the 2021/22 school year will receive
a letter highlighting the need to apply for the 2022/23 school year and the process to do so. All
parents/guardians (including new applicants) will be able to apply online from week commencing
6 June 2022 via the EA website (Free School Meals / Uniform Grants | Education Authority Northern Ireland (

It is important for all applicants to read and understand what supporting documentation is
required for their application. Information on this can also be found on the EA website.

Special Diet
Parents/Guardians whose child has a Statement of Special Educational Needs (Stage 5) and
requires a special diet should contact the Meals and Uniform Section for a paper application form
if they wish to apply under the special diet criterion.

Free School Meals / Uniform Allowance Helpdesk
The Free Schools Meals and Uniform Allowance Helpdesk is operated by staff across the EA Free
School Meals/Uniform Allowance service. It is available to assist parents and guardians who may have any queries. The Helpdesk operates Monday – Friday from 9am to 4.30pm and can be contacted via email: The telephone number which should be used for all enquiries is
028 9041 8044. 

Further information including eligibility criteria for the 2022-23 school year and a list of Frequently
Asked Questions to assist with any parental queries can be accessed by visiting the EA website.