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Gaelscoil na mBeann agus Naíscoil na mBeann, Kilkeel, Newry
Lá Oscailte- open day Cuirfear fáilte roimh tuismitheoirí agus teaghlaigh a bhfuil dúil acu sa scoil s'againne teacht leis an scoil a fheiceáil agus bualadh leis an fhoireann ó 12:00i.n go dtí 3:30i.nProspective parents and families are invited to visit our school to have a look around and meet staff from 12:00pm- 3:30pm [Open Image]
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End of term reminders

23rd Oct 2024

A thuismitheoirí

As we approach the end of term we have a few reminders of events coming up.

Friday 25th October we will have our annual Halloween fancy dress parade in school when children can come to school dressed up. We ask you to encourage older children to dress in an appropriate way not to frighten our younger pupils.

Annemarie has sent out outstanding bills for this term and has asked if these could be paid by Friday if possible. Club payments are cash only (club payments cannot be made via ParentPay).

Can anyone who has still to return school nurse forms or Credit Union art competition consent forms please do so by tomorrow. 

Míle buíochas